Sabrina the Linker
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Note of caution, "If you start on this site with a free page, don't hit 'Quit' without having finished and saved. I loved the idea of something for free. I built a sight and ended up paying a simple 20 some dollars to get rid of the pop-up problem. So that was it. Now I can share with you in here. Not bad if 1 can make it through the set up. And it isn't hard to do. Click this and get that.
So what is that image all about?
Well, I sort of panhandled it from a site called, a very giving site if you are active with them. I liked it. Who knows? Everybody has their own tastes in art. I had been surfing the web and looking at those things that I only look at when no one else is around, and somehow, ended up with it.
Of what use are inhibitions?
A writer friend of mine says that they make for sloppy paper weights

How to make it easier on yourself
I'm quite subtle. My teacher, Ms. Elizabeth has gotten me quite tired with the assignments handed down to me. Easy is a warm, long bath. Especially for those of manual labor. A warm, long bath will get into your bones, loosen things up, right down to the marrow. However, I have this free site because I'm still working on getting hired into a position that will pay enough to afford a much bigger tub. And even though I could afford the much bigger tubs right now, I still need afford the time to enjoy them. That is what she has been teaching me. How to bathe, longer.

What truly is art? And what truly is poetry? And for what reason have I uploaded that girl to the right?
Hey, I know, I just messed up on creating a link in here. The simple instructions were for me to add a link, a little further up. I could have added this 1,

Black holes and worm holes and simple straight lines
Can you read the girls palm?

Have I hit bottom?